Glues for wood

In this category there are adhesive glues for wood. Bostik, Vinavil, Bisom specific for wood.
If you don't find what you are looking for, or you need a large supply, contact us!

Glue 59 - kg. 1 -
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Acetovinyl adhesive in a high dry residue. Transparent after drying-without solvents. Suitable for gluing wood, veneers, plywood, plastic laminates on wood, paper, cork, canvas, tiles and porous materials.
Glue quick bindan - g.100 - for wood
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Glue quick-BINDAN, paste quickly (3 - 5 minutes) with a slight manual pressure of all types of wood, paper, cloth, felt, laminates, glass, concrete, leather, polystyrene etc..
Quick bindan glue - g.250 - for wood
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Adhesive based on polyvinyl synthetic resin
Suitable for rapid gluing of wood
Resistance breaking DIN 68602 / EN 204 standards
Resistant to moisture and mold
Sandable - Transparent after drying
Watered down npc - kg. 1 -
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Acetovinyl adhesive universal plasticized, suitable for wood, paper, canvas, cork and porous materials.